Volunteer Opportunities
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." Saint Teresa of CalcuttaThank you for being the face and hands of Jesus to others!
At St. Victoria, we work hard to offer a variety of ways — big and small — for you to serve.
Do you love to pray? We have several ministries that need prayer warriors!
Do you love to party? Join us in some of our event, fellowship and hospitality ministries!
Do you love to pass along your faith? There’s many opportunities to offer inspiration
to others in our parish who are seeking mentorship, religious education and faith sharing!
Do you love to perform? Our music ministries give you a chance to use your talents to praise and worship God!
Do you like to put your faith into action? St. Victoria has opportunities for you to engage in bold acts of charity and justice!
Visit the links below for more insights into our various ministries!
Or click here to view a PDF of our ministry guide.
Many spiritual aspects of the parish rely on the time and talents of parishioners to make our worship and faith experiences meaningful for all who come. From sacristans, servers, ushers and lectors to musicians to prayer warriors, you can find many ways to not only grow in your own faith, but help lead others in theirs as well!
Praying For Others | Faith Sharing
Church Environment | Music Worship
Music Vocal | Music Instrumental | Coordinating
Music is a vital component to our liturgical life at St. Victoria. Share your musical talents and help parishioners lift up their voices in prayer. We have opportunities in many different choirs (adults and children), instrumental needs, and even a bell choir!
Music | Worship | Vocal
Instrumental | Coordinating
Our mission at St. Victoria is to reach out as the face and hands of Jesus, and it begins right here at the parish as we strive to offer radical hospitality to all who are seeking to know, love and serve God. We have many ways volunteers can help us live out this mission. Join us in welcoming all to our parish family through these ministries.
Pastoral Care | Aging/Elderly
Childcare | Visiting Others Coordinating | Compassion Community Building
Fun | Event Planning | Creativity

Our love for Jesus compels us to go out and be His face and hands to world. We invite you to engage with us in bold acts of charity and justice! From feeding the hungry to accompanying those seeking God, St. Victoria has a multitude of outreach ministries to help you put your faith into action in our communities.
Pastoral Care | Aging/Elderly
Childcare | Visiting Others
Coordinating | Compassion
Community Building

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and that definitely rings true in raising a child up in their faith! There are also many adults seeking someone to accompany them on their faith journeys. Your love for God, your own faith journey, and your witness can be a beautiful example for others in our church. Consider volunteering as a catechist or help support our Faith Formation in other areas as we work to grow disciples in our parish.
Pray For Others | Faith Sharing
Biblical Studies
Worship | Teaching | Discipleship

We are so blessed with a beautiful church and a thriving (and growing) parish! A lot goes into the operations of the parish. Volunteers are always needed with many aspects of our operations, from gardening to organizing and rummage sales to all-parish events, and more! We are grateful for the time and talents of our parishioners to help us keep moving forward.
Writing | Photo | Marketing
Art/ Design | Landscaping
Gardening | Church
Environment | Web Developer
Leadership | Graphic Design |
Artistic Painting