Safe Environment
Protection of God’s Children: Essential Three
We believe that every human person has dignity and is made in the image of God. Each person is loved by God and is deserving of respect. This is especially true of all children and vulnerable adults who deserve to be kept safe and protected from abuse. In order to make sure children and vulnerable adults will be safe in our parishes, our Archdiocese has established the Essential Three as mandatory for all volunteers who work with minors and or vulnerable adults.
The Essential Three consists of VIRTUS Training, the Signing of the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, and a Background Check. In addition, all volunteers working with children or vulnerable adults must renew their Essential Three every three years.
To complete or renew the Essential Three volunteers should go to VIRTUS Training is offered throughout the year at parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Click here for instructions to get setup on VIRTUS online.
Archdiocese Victim Assistance Hotline 651-291-4475 and Canvas Health 651-291-4497 (Open 24/7)
Brochures: Victim Assistance and Report Suspected Child Abuse

Director of Adult, Children and Youth Formation
and Parish Safe Environment Coordinator