Sacrament Preparation
"[Sacraments are] gifts of grace that give us a glimpse of heaven and a taste of eternity." (Elizabeth Kelly)The Sacraments are a gift from God to be shared for the benefit of the individual, the community and the world. As such, all participants involved in Sacramental preparation are expected to be registered members of the parish. The parish accompanies families and individuals during the preparation period, and we are excited that your family wishes to celebrate these Sacraments with us at St. Victoria. See below for more information on Sacramental preparations.

To prepare for infant baptisms, parents will attend a Baptism preparation class called “Jordan Nights,” which are offered four times a year.

The Sacrament preparation process for youth First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation is part of St. Victoria’s Faith Formation programs. Contact Emily Klinker for more information about youth preparations for these Sacraments.
First Confession
Reconciliation (Confession) is the sacrament in which God’s mercy and forgiveness reconciles the sinner with God, himself/herself, and also with the Church and Christ’s body. Children must receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving their First Eucharist. As part of the St. Victoria Faith Formation program for First Eucharist, the children will learn about First Reconciliation.
First Eucharist
The celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of the life of the Church. Those who gather are fed by the Word and by the Body and Blood of Christ. First Eucharist preparation for families with children age seven (Grade 2) and above is offered once a year. Children must be active participants in faith formation program at St. Victoria.
The sacrament of Confirmation completes the grace of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism & Eucharist) by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal, or “confirm,” the baptized in union with Christ and equip them for full, active participation in the worship of the Church. Preparation for Confirmation begins in grade 9 at St. Victoria, and the youth are Confirmed in grade 10.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Adults seeking to learn more about receiving these Sacraments should visit our “Becoming Catholic” page to learn more about the OCIA program.
Couples seeking to get married at St. Victoria will also go through a Sacramental preparation period
with the pastoral staff.