A method for breaking open the Gospel, these prompts propose a pathway to peace as we pursue a purposeful life with Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace.
“Pondering With Prompts” breaks open the Gospel each week with you in a way that helps you to reflect on how God’s Word can apply to your every day life. It will highlight specific points in the Gospel and give you questions to ponder. You can use these prompts in private prayer, with your family during dinner, over coffee with a friend, in a faith-sharing group, or wherever two or three are gathered in His name.
In Preparation for May 26, 2024
Lead in: For centuries, theologians have attempted to articulate who God is. No matter how profound or articulate or eloquent their description of God, the words fall far short of who God really is. No language can ever fully capture God’s essence. Yet, metaphors help...
In Preparation for May 19, 2024
Lead in: The story of Elijiah in the Old Testament (I Kings 19:12) reminds us that sometimes God comes to us in the whisper of a “still small voice”. And then at other times God comes to us in a big way that’s hard to miss. That’s what happened at Pentecost. A rush of...
In Preparation for May 12, 2024
Lead in: “Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.” That is easy for Superman because he has the superhuman powers of a superhero. In Mark 16:15-20, Jesus mentions some of the superhuman feats that...
In Preparation for May 5, 2024
Lead in: Legend has it that, as an old man, the apostle John’s message to people always ended with the same exhortation, “Love one another.” This theme is reflected in John 4:7-10 where “love” is mentioned nine times and in John 15:9-17 where it’s mentioned ten times....
In Preparation for April 28, 2024
Lead in: In John Chapter 15, we hear Jesus give the imperative to “remain” in him repeated eight times. To remain or dwell refers to a relationship in which one feels at home, and it signifies the intimate and mutual love that exists between the Father and Jesus. We...
In Preparation for April 21, 2024
Lead in: Given the presence of thieves, bandits, and wolves the good shepherd has a dangerous job. Yet he is willing to lay down his life for his sheep. To make that clear, the phrase “lays down his life” appears five times in John 10:11-18. This good shepherd who...
In Preparation for April 14, 2024
Lead in: In Luke 24:35, the two disciples recount what had taken place on the way and how Jesus “was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”As he did for his disciples, so Jesus does for us in the breaking of the bread at Eucharist.Prompt: How does Christ...
In Preparation for April 7, 2024
Lead in: John 20:19-31 takes us to the room where the disciples are holding out. They have locked the door for fear that what happened to Jesus would happen to them. They are struggling to make sense of all that has happened. The one they had followed for the last...
In Preparation for March 31, 2024
Lead in: The Gospel presents us with concrete tangible signs of Jesus’ resurrection, that Jesus is not dead but alive. In John 20:1-9, we hear how the stone to the tomb has been rolled back. There is no body, it’s missing and the linens are neatly folded in a corner....
In Preparation for March 24, 2024
Lead in: One tradition has it that the first thing put to writing in the Gospels were the accounts of Jesus’ passion and death. Working backwards in time, the Gospels developed asthe various stories were pieced together, giving us a more complete picture of who Jesus...