A method for breaking open the Gospel, these prompts propose a pathway to peace as we pursue a purposeful life with Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace.

“Pondering With Prompts” breaks open the Gospel each week with you in a way that helps you to reflect on how God’s Word can apply to your every day life. It will highlight specific points in the Gospel and give you questions to ponder. You can use these prompts in private prayer, with your family during dinner, over coffee with a friend, in a faith-sharing group, or wherever two or three are gathered in His name.

Homily – Dec. 31, 2023

Lead #1:  In Sirach 3, the image of the fruitful vine speaks to the health and happiness a family enjoys when life is going well.  But as we know, family life does not always come that easy.  Misfortune and tragedy can strike at any time.  The Holy Family of Jesus,...

December 24, 2023

Lead in: The angel appeared to Mary and said, “Hail full of grace. The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28 In other words, Mary, you are full of grace. The beauty of the Lord shines through you. What if we could see that in ourselves, that we too are full of grace and the...