A method for breaking open the Gospel, these prompts propose a pathway to peace as we pursue a purposeful life with Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace.

“Pondering With Prompts” breaks open the Gospel each week with you in a way that helps you to reflect on how God’s Word can apply to your every day life. It will highlight specific points in the Gospel and give you questions to ponder. You can use these prompts in private prayer, with your family during dinner, over coffee with a friend, in a faith-sharing group, or wherever two or three are gathered in His name.

In Preparation for Dec. 29, 2024

Lead in:  Jesus’ parents find their twelve year old son conversing with the scholars of the law in the temple, who are quite taken with the boy and the answers he was giving them.  His parents, however, weren’t quite as impressed. For three days they’ve been half out...