Parish Support
"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with your talent is your gift back to God." Leo BuscalgiaWe are so blessed with a beautiful church and a thriving (and growing) parish! A lot goes into the operations of the parish. Volunteers are always needed with many aspects of our operations, from gardening to organizing and rummage sales to all-parish events, and more! We are grateful for time and talents of our parishioners.
Home Improvement Club
Home Improvement Club meets in the spring and fall to care for our parish home sprucing up the grounds, doing extra cleaning around the church and keeping everything looking great. The Home Improvement Club would like to create a roster of trades people — electricians, plumbers, carpenters and others — who would like to lend a hand with small projects.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — Six hours per year
Sharing Our Kitchen Supplies (SOKS)
The SOKS ministry organizes and tracks inventories of supplies used by all parish ministries. You are asked to organize the storage area.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — Two hours per month
Volunteers —Two hours per month or as needed
Archbishop Harry Flynn Library
Join the Library Committee to help plan direction and growth for the future. Additional help is needed to label, categorize and update the online catalog. Donations of books and other materials are always welcome.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — One hour per week
Volunteers — As needed
Rummage Sale
(sponsored by
Catholic United Financial)
Catholic United Financial has been part of St. Victoria for 122 years. Members have held rummage sales since 1986 raising $133,064 to sponsor classrooms. The organization also sells life insurance, annuities and other financial products along with offering college scholarships for members.
Everyone is invited to be a member.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — Six hours per year
Catholic United Financial
Catholic United Financial has been part of St. Victoria for 122 years. Members have held rummage sales since 1986 raising $133,064 to sponsor classrooms. The organization also sells life insurance, annuities and other financial products along with offering college scholarships for members.
Everyone is invited to be a member.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — Six hours per year