Outreach Ministries
"The fruit of faith is LOVE.The fruit of love is SERVICE.
The fruit of service is PEACE." St. Teresa of Calcutta
Our love for Jesus compels us to go out and be His face and hands to world. We invite you to engage with us in bold acts of charity and justice! From feeding the hungry to accompanying those seeking God, St. Victoria has a multitude of outreach ministries to help you put your faith into action in our communities.
Thank you for being the face and hands of Jesus
to others in our communities!
Here are some highlights from our outreach ministries.
Bereavement Ministry
This ministry brings a caring presence to parishioners who are grieving the loss of a significant person in their lives.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — One hour monthly or as needed
Bereavement Visitation
This new ministry works in conjunction with the Bereavement Card Ministry, and brings helpful information to the home of the bereaved in a caring and compassionate way.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator – One-hour monthly
Volunteer Pairs – One-hour quarterly
New Coordinator Needed
Families Moving Forward
Families Moving Forward offers hospitality to families experiencing homelessness. While we are not a host church, our volunteer teams support area churches providing meals and fellowship to families working toward finding a home.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — Six hours per quarter
Volunteers — Two hours per session
Launch Ministry
Launch is a faith-based, non-profit organization in Chaska supporting young people, ages 18 to 29, who are searching for their place in today’s world to help them transition into productive adulthood. St. Victoria volunteers provide meal options to Launch Ministry every six weeks. One option is a hot meal with our volunteers serving the food and staying with the youth in fellowship through dinner. The other option is to drop off frozen meals every six weeks.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — Five hours per month
Volunteers — Three to five hours per year
Contact: New Coordinator Needed
Love INC
(Love In the Name of Christ)
Love INC is a partnership of local faith communities with Eastern Carver County. St. Victoria continues its “Clean Sweep” Ministry providing household cleaning supplies to families in need.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — Three hours per week
Volunteers —
1 hour weekly to bag and 2 hours weekly to deliver

Bright Beginnings
This ministry provides loving support to an area pregnancy center by sponsoring two fundraisers each year, collecting coins in baby bottles to celebrate Respect Life and hosting a baby shower to gather supplies for families in need. We also offer time at the center for short periods to help organize or distribute supplies to families.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — 10 hours per year
Volunteers — 4 hours per year
Contact: New Coordinator Needed
Food Shelf
Thanks to the generosity of our children and others, donations of non-perishable foods are collected at all weekend Liturgies. The bagged food items are delivered to the Bountiful Basket Emergency Food shelf located in Chaska. In addition, there are special food drives throughout the year. At least 12 volunteers are needed, one person each month, to pick up and deliver the food on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator —
2 hour annual setup and 15 minutes per month
Volunteers — 1 hour per week for 3 weeks
Gena Braaten
The Humanity Alliance
The Humanity Alliance is a Victoria-based non-profit that aspires to create long-lasting community value, health and wealth. They serve people where food insecurity and chronic disease continue to create barriers that have a lasting impact.
Time Commitment: 2 hours for each of the activities below
Delivery – Southwest Suburbs
Meal Preparation & Packaging
Delivery Day Help & Cleanup
Load Meals for Delivery
Humanity Alliance

Valentine Visits
On the weekend before Valentine’s Day, the parish contributes candy as part of a special gift bag for delivery to St. Victoria parishioners who are 75 years or older. The gift bag also contains Valentines made by the children in Faith Formation. The gift bags are delivered by
St. Victoria volunteers.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — 1-3 hours per year
Volunteer Leader — Kathy Wosje

Give Thanks!
The weekend before Thanksgiving, St. Victoria volunteers collaborate with Humanity Alliance, Bountiful Basket Food Shelf, and Love INC to collect food (turkey and all the trimmings) to deliver to 200 families facing food insecurity in Carver County. Volunteers are needed on the Saturday morning before Thanksgiving to sort food or deliver meals directly to families.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — 1-3 hours per year

Joy to the World
One weekend before Christmas, parishioners are invited to donate grocery store gift cards in values of $25, $50 or $75 as part of a special gift bag that also includes a prayer card and an ornament made by the children in Faith Formation. This is a collaboration with Humanity Alliance. The gift bags are delivered by our volunteers to Humanity Alliance clients.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — 1-3 hours per year
Contact: Volunteer leader needed!
Contact John Abel or Ann Esping at 952-443-2661 for more information