Music Ministries
"He who sings, prays twice." St. AugustineMusic is a vital component to our liturgical life at St. Victoria. Share your musical talents and help parishioners lift up their voices in prayer. We have opportunities in many different choirs (adults and children), instrumental needs, and even a bell choir!

PraiseHymn is St. Victoria’s contemporary music ensemble. Instrumentation typically includes guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, vocals, as well as flute, violin, etc. This ensemble leads one weekend Mass every four to six weeks September through May.
Time Commitment:
Thursday evenings – weekly
Middle & High School
Music Group
We are looking for middle and high school students who can sing or play an instrument. This group will provide music once a month at the Sunday 10:45 am Mass. Rehearsals will be held one hour before Mass.
Jubilate Deo
Jubilate Deo is a semi-professional ensemble of four to eight singers who sing at one mass per month September through May. One monthly rehearsal is required as well. Please contact Terry or Amee for more information on auditioning.
Time Commitment:
Thursday evenings – once per month
Agape Singers
This volunteer choir provides choral music for weekend Masses and on certain Holy Days as well. The choir meets once weekly for an hour rehearsal and provides music at Mass once a month. Rehearsals begin after Labor Day and continue through May.
Time Commitment:
Thursdays – 6:15 pm – 7:30 pm
Treble Cantori
Treble Cantori is St. Victoria’s women’s choir. This volunteer choir provides music for one weekend Mass a month September through May. Rehearsals are held once a month on Thursdays.
Music Ministry Volunteers
The Music Department at St. Victoria welcomes any volunteers to help organize music files and prepare for special events/concerts. We also need help with setup/teardown and audio for the outdoor Mass.
King Ringers
King Ringers is St. Victoria’s handbell ensemble. This group rehearses weekly on Thursday evenings and provides music at one mass per month. An ability to read music is helpful but not required. High School students and beyond are encouraged to join!
Children’s Bell Chimes
Little Ringers is St. Victoria’s kids handbell ensemble. When the Children’s choir is providing music for Mass, the Little Ringers meet beforehand to provide prelude music before the Mass begins.

Cantors, Instrumentalists, Accompanists
Lend your voice or instrument (piano, organ, flute, trumpet, etc.) skills in leadership to the hymns, songs, and responses of the liturgy. These musicians meet 30 minutes before Mass to rehearse and prepare for the Mass. Musicians should be highly motivated, skilled, and capable of preparing music on their own.