Liturgical & Spiritual Ministries
"Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground."
Pope Paul VI
Many spiritual aspects of the parish rely on the time and talents of parishioners to make our worship and faith experiences meaningful for all who come. From sacristans, servers, ushers and lectors to musicians to prayer warriors, you can find many ways to not only grow in your own faith, but help lead others in theirs as well!
Individuals participate in this ministry assisting the presider in preparing the altar for weekend Liturgies including preparing the wine, hosts and vessels for use during Communion, lighting candles and preparing supplies when Baptisms are celebrated. After the Liturgy, they tend to the care of the various items used at the Liturgy. Training is provided.
Time Commitment:
Volunteer — One Mass per month
The Lector Ministry offers the privilege of proclaiming the Word of God as an essential part of the Liturgy, sharing in a sacred process in the life of the Church. God speaks to His people through the Sacred Scriptures providing spiritual nourishment, drawing everyone into a closer union with Christ. Lectors are dedicated to presenting the Scriptures reverently and sincerely. Training is provided.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — Two Masses/quarter
Individuals and families are invited to participate as greeter/ushers. Tasks include greeting people as they enter church, handing out hymnals and bulletins, locating seats as needed, taking up the collection and helping to clean up after Mass. This is a great ministry for families and a wonderful way to meet people.
Training is provided.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — One hour per quarter
Volunteers — One Mass per month
Extraordinary Ministers
of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers assist the presider in distributing the Eucharist during Mass. Training is provided.
Time Commitment:
Volunteer — 10 minutes at Mass once or twice a month

Boys and girls in grades 5 and above are invited to join our Mass Servers. Tasks include assisting the presider in various rituals performed during a Mass. Training is provided.
Time Commitment:
Volunteers — Two Masses per month

Communion Home Visits
Weekly, teams bring Communion and friendship to individuals in care centers or at home due to illness, surgery or other issues.
Time Commitment:
2 hours every other week on a monthly rotation
John Abel | 952-443-2661

Faith Formation
Mass Support
Help us bring our youth to Jesus in the Eucharist by supporting us at the Faith Formation Masses. All liturgical roles are needed — Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Sacristan, Convener, Lector, Sound System, Greeter/Usher, Hospitality.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Lead boys and girls 3-7 years old with curriculum during Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Masses.
Time Commitment:
30 minutes once a month
Krystal Seguin
Summer Friday Masses
We gather every Friday during the summer months for an outdoor Mass, extending a spirit of welcome and hospitality to all who come. Volunteer opportunities include coordinating Masses (Memorial Day to Labor Day) or hosting a Mass while providing light refreshments for fellowship after Mass.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator —
Three hours per month (summer)
Host —
Two hours once during (summer)
John Abel | 952-443-2661

Julie Schmieg | 952-443-2661
Liturgical Environment
The liturgical environment reflects the changing of the seasons in the church for Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost when our sacred space is enhanced through colors and accent pieces to convey the story proclaimed in our Scripture readings as we gather to celebrate our Liturgies. Volunteers help make seasonal changes throughout the year.
Time Commitment:
Varies by season

Eucharistic Adoration
This is a special quiet time of prayer and reflection every Thursday in the Historic Church from 8:30 a.m. (after 8 a.m. Mass) to 8 p.m. It’s a time to get away from the busy activities of our day and spend time with our Savior. Perhaps call a friend and begin a prayer partnership to share the presence of our Lord together. During the Faith Formation year, there is also Eucharistic Adoration with the youth as part of the formation program.
Time Commitment:
Coordinator — One hour per month
Volunteers — 30 minutes every Thursday
John Abel | 952-443-2661
Prayer Line
Whenever special prayers are needed for particular intentions, often within hours, members of our Prayer Line offer prayers with each person praying in his/her own way.
Mary Moore