"Becoming more perfectly bound to the Church and enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit." (Catechism of the Catholic Church)The sacrament of Confirmation completes the grace of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism & First Holy Communion) by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal or “confirm” the baptized in union with Christ and equip them for full, active participation in the worship of the Church.
Confirmation @ St. Victoria
The St. Victoria Confirmation program is focused on providing a unique opportunity for youth to explore their faith and the meaning it can have in their lives. We strive to provide students the opportunity to discover the beauty of the Catholic faith, to build a connection and a deeper sense of belonging to the community of the Church, and to personally encounter Jesus and cultivate a more profound relationship with Him.
Adults seeking to learn more about receiving Confirmation can visit our “Becoming Catholic” page to learn more about the RCIA program.
Read our full St. Victoria Confirmation Mission Statement>>
Our Curriculum
“CHOSEN: Your Journey toward Confirmation” — Chosen is the video series we use in our small groups to help prepare high school youth for Confirmation. The program balances of faith, fun, and powerful vignettes that challenge their existing perspectives on the meaning of our lives and their ultimate call to holiness. Dedicated to bringing about a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, Chosen features some of the most passionate and inspiring Catholic youth ministry experts and speakers from across the country.

Year 1
- Year 1 Expectations
- 2026 Confirmation Profile Remember to save the email you receive upon creating your profile. Refer to these directions if you need help creating a confirmation profile.
- Confirmation Sponsor Selection Help
- Bible Verse and Saint Name Help
Year 2
- Year 2 Expectations
- 2025 Confirmation Profile Remember to save the email you receive upon creating your profile.

Beyond Confirmation preparation, our high school Faith Formation program offers many opportunities for teens to encounter Christ and grow in discipleship. We have an annual mission trip, service and opportunities for prayer and fun together as a family of faith.