Homily – January 19, 2025

The psalmist bids us to proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations, and they are marvelous indeed!  The first chapter of John’s Gospel begins by waxing eloquent about the eternal Word of God who became flesh.  Became one of us, so that we might become one with...

Homily – Jan. 12, 2025

Fr. Bob It was the early 1970s in a small town deep in the heart of Teas. A star high school football player who has a bit of the rebel decides to grow his hair long. So,  sure enough, by the end of summer his long locks are now peeking out from under his football...

Homily – Jan. 5, 2025

Fr. Bob Legendary rock star Jim Morrison of the Doors died tragically young in Paris at the age of 27 on July 27, 1971. Interestingly enough two other rock star legends of that era, Jancie Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix also died at the age of 27, and all of them within two...

Homily – Dec. 22, 2024

Today we mark the Fourth Sunday of Advent.  The Advent wreath is fully lit; the poinsettias have arrived (though they are hidden until Christmas Eve).  Most of our Christmas shopping is done, and the anticipation of children, especially, for Christmas is high.  I...

Homily – Dec. 15, 2024

People tell me how busy they think I am. I don’t think I’m that busy. Sure, I keep busy during the day but at the end of the day all I have to do is to feed Arlo and answer a few emails. So compared to some of you I’m really not that busy. Take for instance parents,...

Homily – Dec. 8, 2024

In a small village there lived a holy man known for his wisdom and peace. One day a young woman in the village was found to be pregnant and the villagers quickly blamed the holy man, claiming that he was the father. They were irate and rushed to confront the holy man...