"The soul is regenerated in the sacred waters of baptism and thus becomes God's child." St. Maximilian Kolbe
Baptism incorporates us with Christ and forms us into God’s people. It is the first sacrament of initiation. The Catholic Church baptizes people of all ages — from infants to adults.
Adults seeking baptism should visit our OCIA program page.
Children of school age should contact Emily Klinker at for more information.
Infant baptisms are held during all Masses during the 2nd weekend each month (except during Lent).
The Sacraments are a gift from God to be shared for the benefit of the individual, the community and the world. Families wishing to have their child baptized at St. Victoria are expected to be registered members of the parish.
To prepare for infant baptisms, parents will attend a Baptism preparation class called “Jordan Nights,” which are offered four times a year (see schedule below). It is required that parents attend this night before scheduling their Baptism date, and they are encouraged to attend prior to their child’s birth. Both parents are encouraged to attend the Jordan Night. (Parents are exempt from class attendance if they have attended a Baptism class at St. Victoria in the last five years.) Godparents are also encouraged to attend the Jordan Night.

Watch a short video by Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire about the Sacrament of Baptism.
(This link includes an introduction to the Sacraments, and the segment on Baptism begins at 15:50 minutes into the video.)