Homily – Dec. 25, 2023

Fr. Bob White Part of my  role as priest for a parish like St. Victoria includes what I call a backstage pass to people’s lives. With it I have the privilege of being in on some of the most intimate moments of a family’s life together, the good times and the hard...

Homily – Dec. 31, 2023

Luke 2:22-40 Lead #1:  In Sirach 3, the image of the fruitful vine speaks to the health and happiness a family enjoys when life is going well.  But as we know, family life does not always come that easy.  Misfortune and tragedy can strike at any time.  The Holy Family...

Homily – Dec. 17, 2023

Deacon Ray Ortman Today we light the third candle on the Advent wreath.  The candle of joy. The Advent wreath is a wonderful visual for us of our progress through Advent, and indeed of our progress in the Christian life. We begin with the wreath itself.  Its circular...