Homily – Jan. 21, 2024

Fr. Bob White If you listen to these Gospel stories that we hear week after week it seems that Jesus is always inviting people to “come.” In John 21 on the shore over an open fire the Risen Jesus has prepared breakfast for the disciples who have just landed on shore...

Homily – Jan. 14, 2024

Fr. Bob White Two of John’s disciples are following behind Jesus. Jesus notices them and turns and asks, “What are you looking for?” Jesus knew their hearts so what he was really asking was, In other words, “What do you want for your life? If Jesus were to ask you...

In Preparation for Jan. 7, 2024

Matthew 2:1-12 Lead in: The magi were scholars of the imperialreligion of Persia who were known for their ability to read the stars. Determined to find what it is they were searching for, they followed their “Christmas star” to the place where the child and its mother...