Homily – March 17, 2024

Father Bob White Back in the 150Os a man by the name of Ignatius (he’d later become a saint) had a dream. He wanted to start a religious order that would revitalize a church that had grown quite complacent in its zeal for the Gospel. Just when it looked like his dream...

Homily – March 10, 2024

Father Bob White It was the summer of 1936, the hottest summer on record. Eighteen- year -old Bob White Sr., my dad had hitchhiked to Missouri for the summer to take a job pounding spikes for the railroad. The great migration of “Okies” from Oklahoma to the promised...

Homily – March 3, 2024

Deacon Ray Ortman - "I AM A JEALOUS GOD" When I first learned about the Ten Commandments as a child, it bothered me to think that God could be jealous.  Jealousy seems such a negative emotion — easily capable of getting out of hand or pushing us to take extreme...