Homily – Dec. 8, 2024

In a small village there lived a holy man known for his wisdom and peace. One day a young woman in the village was found to be pregnant and the villagers quickly blamed the holy man, claiming that he was the father. They were irate and rushed to confront the holy man...

December 29, 2024

Lead in:  Jesus’ parents find their twelve year old son conversing with the scholars of the law in the temple, who are quite taken with the boy and the answers he was giving them.  His parents, however, weren’t quite as impressed. For three days they’ve been half out...

Homily – Dec. 1, 2024

Fr. Bob - First Sunday in Advent The other day I was taking with a Lutheran pastor who is now a hospital Chaplain. He told me, “One thing I’ve learned as a hospital chaplain is how to be with people in a way that they really feel listened to. And if I’d done...

Homily – Nov. 24, 2024

Fr. Bob - Christ the King Today is the feast of Christ the Kiing. In John 18 we hear Pilate’s conversation with Jesus. “They say you are a king. Is that true? Jesus responds, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom were of this world my followers...