Homily – March 30, 2025

In the Gospel for today we hear the story of the man born blind.  Now, I don’t see that well. But I wasn’t born blind. To be born blind, that takes blindness to a whole new leel. Yet, I’ll admit, my eyes aren’t that good. I was out west skiing with my family.  The...

Homily – March 23, 2025

The Woman at the Well Life had been hard for the nameless woman at the well that day. We’re told she had been with five different men. With the heartache of all that there was a price to paid, the loss of her reputation. Her past was widely known. In a smalltown word...

Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025

Luke 22:14-23:56 Lead in: The four Gospels agree on the major points of Jesus’ passion and death but bring different perspectives. This implies that though the authors of the four Gospels narrate the same story of Jesus’ passion, each emphasizes their own unique...

April 6, 2025

John 11:1-45 Lead in: Faith tells us that what Jesus did for Lazarus, raising him from the dead, is what he will do for us.  On the last day, we will be raised up to new life. For that reason, faith tells us that at death, life is changed but not ended. This is not...

Homily – March 16, 2025

On the mountain that day with his disciples something extraordinary happens. Before their very eyes Jesus is transfigured. And it’s spectacular! But being his typical self, Peter comes up with what he thinks is a bright idea. Hey Jesus, how about if we build...