Lead in:  At the wedding feast at Cana, the host ran out of wine.  Was the shortage of wine due to the host’s limited financial resources?  Or was it due to the host’s extravagant generosity?  Perhaps, it was a little of both.
Prompt:  Who is it that you know who doesn’t have that much but literally would give you the shirt of their back?  What can you learn from them?
Lead in:  When the host at the wedding at Cana was informed that they had run out of wine, the mother of Jesus could see the embarrassment on his face.  So, she did something about it.  She told her son.
Prompt:  Reflect on a time when you were in a potentially embarrassing situation, and someone stepped in to do something about it.
Prompt:  Can you think of a time when you stepped in and did the same for someone else?
Lead in:  Reflecting on the story of the miracle of the wedding feast at Cana, spiritual writer Fr. Brendan McGurie comments on how God, operating in our lives, transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.  The encouragement then is to bring the ordinary “water”, our simple everyday selves, to Jesus.  That’s how Jesus turns what we give him into “wine”.  It’s the something better, richer, more joyful that we didn’t have before.  Mother Teresa says it this way, “As you do the ordinary, give it to God and He will turn your ordinary into the extraordinary.”
Prompt:  What “wine” had Christ multiplied in your life? That is what is the ordinary that God has turned into something extraordinary?
Lead in:  The fullness of life that Jesus came to bring is signified by the image of a wedding feast where wine flows in abundance.
Prompt:  Where is it in your life where you most feel the abundance of God’s blessing in your life?
Lead in:  Cana was not far from Nazareth.  In small towns such as these, people knew about everybody.  So, it’s not surprising that Jesus, his disciples and his mother were invited to the wedding.
Prompt:  Jesus took time to attend a wedding celebration.  What does this say to you about Jesus?