Today, we gather not only to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also to reflect on what it means to live out the principles of love, justice, and compassion in our world today. Easter challenges us to embrace the message of transformation and calls us to break free from the chains of fear and envision a better, just world.

In this weekend’s Gospel reading, we hear the story of Doubting Thomas, who demanded proof of Jesus’ resurrection. In many ways, Thomas embodies the uncertainty that we all can experience at times. Yet, Jesus responds to Thomas with compassion and understanding, inviting him to touch his wounds.

As a faith community, we recognize that doubt and questioning are not signs of weakness, but rather essential components of a vibrant faith. By opening our hearts to the unknown, we deepen our understanding of our own faith and God’s truth.

Let us also reflect on the significance of the Easter season in our world. The Resurrection offers a powerful reminder of the possibility of renewal and transformation.

As we journey through the Easter season, may we be inspired by the example of Jesus Christ to live with courage, compassion, and radical love. May we embrace the call to be agents of change in our world.

Fr. Bob