John 3: 14-21

Lead in: In 1936, Bob White, Sr., and in 1966 Bob White, Jr., went back to school in the fall after their summer jobs. They both somehow felt different. They couldn’t explain it, but
others could see it. Maybe it was because they were learning to believe in themselves.
Prompt: Reflect on an experience where you came away feeling different because the experience had helped you to start believing in yourself.

Lead in: Nicodemus, a reputable Pharisee, at some risk to his career under the cover of night, met with Jesus. He longed to hear more about what Jesus might have to say to him.
Prompt: Reflect on a time in life when, like Nicodemus, you were longing for more meaning in life.
Prompt: Like Nicodemus, if you were to have the chance to meet with Jesus, what would you want to ask him or talk about?

Lead in: Whether we know it or not, God’s grace has been at work in our lives since the day we were born. John 3:16 says it well. “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever
believes in him may not perish but have life eternal.”
Prompt: Although you may not have seen it at the time, looking back at your life, reflect on how God’s grace has been at work all the time.

Lead in: If God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, it means that God will do that for you. God so loves you that he will give you the very best he can give you, his only begotten Son.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when, after having failed God, it was humbling for you to believe that God still loves you.