John 2:13-25

Lead in: As the expression goes, pain not is transmitted. We saw that played out in ugly ways in the burning of the cities that occurred after the death of George Floyd.
The injustice of the death of an innocent black man led to the injustice of the destruction done to the burned neighborhoods that were in the path of the rioting.
Prompt: When have you witnessed anger not transformed but transmitted, either in yourself or others?

Lead in: Former Minneapolis Council Member Don Samuels challenged the people of his neighborhood to hold the pain long enough to let it be transformed in us in a way that something new be born in us and in the world around us.
Prompt: What is that something new that Don Samuels was talking about?
Prompt: What is the something new that you need born in you?

Lead in: When Jesus was arrested, Peter’s grief and anger at what was happening caused him to lash out in anger by cutting off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Yet when Jesus was led to the cross, Peter ran. He could not bear to hold the pain at the foot of the cross with the others who stood by to the very end.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you could identify with the Peter who lashed out in anger by cutting off the ear of the servant.
Prompt: Reflect on a time that you can identify with Peter when he ran when they led Jesus to the cross.

Lead in: The money changers in the temple were exploiting the poor by demanding excessive tax on the animal offerings they could not afford. Seeing this injustice, Jesus had the courage to take action.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you saw someone have the courage to take action on something that you know wasn’t right. What did you learn from that?
Prompt: In what situation in your life are you being called to be an instrument of God’s peace?