Mark 9:2-10

Lead in: When Peter saw Jesus transfigured before him on the mountain that day, he thought Jesus was destined for greatness. Jesus was destined for greatness, but not in the way Peter was hoping it’d be. If they were to follow Jesus to glory, it would be a different path they would follow.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you were convinced that things were going to go your way, but instead turned out much harder than you anticipated. What did you learn from that?

Lead in: Peter and the disciples would learn to look for the “transfigured Christ” in everyone they encountered, saints and sinners alike.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you encountered the presence of the transfigured Christ in someone whom you didn’t expect would be that for you.

Lead in: In a tense situation where it would have been easy to get reactive, it took courage and humility for the staffer at the halfway house to treat the man off the street with the respect,
compassion and dignity that he did.
Prompt: Reflect on a situation where it would have been easy to get reactive, but you treated the other person with respect, compassion, and dignity.
Prompt: Reflect on a situation where you weren’t able to respond with the same calm and compassion.

Lead in: It would seem that there are some people out there who are just plain mean and nasty, when in reality they are wounded people who do mean and nasty things.
Prompt: Can you think of anyone whom you were tempted to write off as mean and nasty, but as you got to know them you were able to see them more as a wounded individual who tends to act out in mean and nasty ways? What did you learn from that?

Lead in: When we learn to look for the transfigured Christ, something happens within. Gradually there’s a change within us.
Prompt: Are there any subtle changes in you that have made you a different person than you were in the past? What are they?