Pondering with Prompts John 14:1-12 May 7, 2023
Lead in #1: Jesus said to his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled… have faith.” Our hearts can be troubled and concerned about many things these days. There are the everyday things like the rising cost of food, bills to pay, what’s the future going to be for our kids, and the list goes on. Prompt #1: What has been heavy on your heart these days? How do you handle those concerns?
Lead in #2: If we let them, the things that are troubling to us can be overwhelming and emotionally draining. Prompt #2: Reflect on a time that your faith helped you get through a time that felt overwhelming and emotionally draining.
Lead in #3: Jesus told his disciples, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” Jesus is telling us that in his kingdom there is a place for everyone and that all are included, saints and sinners alike. Yet, it seems our natural human tendency has us finding ways to exclude certain people. For example, in Acts 6 Paul recounts how, in the Christian community, the Hellenists (Greeks) complained that their widows were being excluded from the daily distribution of food that was being given to the Jewish widows. Prompt #3: Reflect on a time when you felt excluded. How was that for you? Prompt #4: Has there ever been a time where, knowingly or unknowingly, you excluded someone. If that happened today, how would you do it differently? Prompt #5: How can parishes make sure that their care goes out to all and that they are not overlooking those who might be perceived as outsiders?
Lead in #4: Jesus told his disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Prompt #6: Was there a time in your life when you “lost your way”? How did you find your way “home”? What did you learn?
Lead in #5: In I Peter 2, we hear, “Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the sight of God.” Prompt #7: If we are chosen and precious in the sight of God, how might that change how we perceive ourselves and the gifts we have to offer the world? Prompt #8: If you were to name a gift that is uniquely you, what might that be?