De Corazon was established to help advance St. Victoria’s mission to ensure that all are welcome. De Corazon is the Spanish word for “from the heart,” and this ministry focuses upon the hearts of many in our community who have experienced the pain of separation and divorce, which can cause feelings of loneliness, betrayal, anger or simply struggling to know where or even if they belong.


De Corazon uses a Christian lens to offer weekly support in a prayerful, compassionate environment, offering opportunities to discuss topics that are often unique to separated/divorced persons. Facilitation will be provided for all sessions, and input from participants is a desired component of the program to ensure De Corazon meets the needs of participants. This ministry is committed to listening without judgment, being inclusive of all persons along varied stages of the journey, recognizing our need for God’s help, and nurturing the healing process by creating a trusted space to foster community.


If any of these thoughts resonate with you or someone you know, De Corazon welcomes you:

  • Have you felt alienated from your faith after experiencing a separation/divorce?
  • Are you or is someone you know in the midst of a separation/divorce currently?
  • Have you experienced loneliness or persistent hurt from lost or fractured family relationships?
  • Do you have questions about Church teaching concerning divorce and/or annulment?
  • Do you care about someone who has experienced separation/divorce? (Refer them to De Corazon!)
  • Have you been separated/divorced for a while now but desire a deeper support network?

De Corazon welcomes adults primarily within the area served by St. Victoria Parish Family, but parish membership is not a participation requirement. Group sessions are open to both women and men and are designed for those age 18 and over.


De Corazon participants meet on the first and third Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the St. Anthony Youth Room at St. Victoria.


Sue Ries (612-281-5277)  or Email

Susan Gillman (763-439-2067) or Email

Midge Burzinski (612-205-7100) or Email