Mark 7:31-37
Lead in: What if one day you were not able to speak or hear? How isolating that would be!
In Mark 7, Jesus encounters such a man, a deaf-mute. His disability leaves him isolated from a world he wants to be part of.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you felt isolated from a world you wanted to be part of.
Lead in: In Mark 7, the people beg Jesus to lay his hands on the deaf-mute man. In response to their request Jesus, wanting to give his undivided attention to the man, takes him off by himself away from the distracting crowd.
Prompt: Think of a time when you found it difficult to be fully present to the person you were with. What were the distractions that got in the way?
Lead in: After spitting and touching the man’s tongue, Jesus looked up to heaven crying out to his Father.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you turned to God and it felt like the prayer you offered made a difference, if for no one else for you.
Lead in: The people’s reaction to Jesus’ miraculous healing of the deaf-mute clearly had a deep impact on them. “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
Prompt: The miracle Jesus performed on the deaf-mute man inspired awe in the people. As you reflect on your life, what are the everyday miracles that have inspired awe in you?
Lead in: James’ letter for the early Christian community focuses on God’s impartiality in welcoming all people into relationship, the rich and poor alike. This challenged the social and religious elite of that day who believed their rank gave them special privilege within the religious community.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when, because of your upbringing, you found it difficult to cross social and class boundaries to welcome the least of our brothers and sisters.