Matthew 2:1-12

Lead in: The magi were scholars of the imperial
religion of Persia who were known for their ability to read the stars. Determined to find what it is they were searching for, they followed their “Christmas star” to the place where the child and its mother were found.

Prompt: Reflect on a time when determination led you on a search where you followed your Christmas star to the place you knew you had to go.

Lead in: The magi knew the time of Jesus’ birth through their observation of the star. What they didn’t know was the location of where the Christ Child was to be born. In contrast, the chief priests and scribes knew from scripture where the messiah was to be born but they did not know when that was to occur. Only when these two groups from different religious traditions share what they know, were the magi able to find Jesus.
Prompt: How can Christians from the west and non-Christians from the east work together to find common ground?
Prompt: Think of a person who sees things differently than you do. What can you do to strike common ground with that person?

Lead in: Wanting to know the meaning of the star they’d observed in the sky, the magi set out on a journey that took them many miles from the comfort of home. No matter how far their journey took them, they would not give up in their search for what it was they were looking for. Like the magi, your faith journey may have taken you on many different paths in your search for God.
Prompt: What have been some of the different paths you’ve taken in your search for God? Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? What have you learned in your search for God?

Lead in: As we hear of the magi’s encounter with Herod, we know what’s coming, the innocent slaughter of
infants and the beheading of John the Baptist. All of this because of a man who fears losing power as king.
Prompt: Reflect on a time when you refused to compromise what you knew was right.
Prompt: Where is the pull to compromise strongest in you?