January 22, 2023

Ten days of no gun violence 

One day as Jesus was walking along the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers casting their nets. He said to them, “Come after me. They left their nets and followed him.” We’ve heard the story before.  

But here’s a story I hadn’t heard before.  I know a priest who has a passion for ending violence on our streets. He has a friend who is working with street gang members in North Minneapolis who shares that same passion to end violence on the streets. This priest had the opportunity to meet with his friend and the street gang members he works with.

In that gathering the priest asked the street gang members to say a bit about what life was like for them growing up. Almost half of them were from families without a dad at home.

Then the priest shared a bit of his story. “I grew up in your neighborhood. When I was a kid, I’d play ball at the park down the block. My parents didn’t worry about me. They knew it was safe. But as you know it’s not that way today. Parents worry about their kids’ safety. There’s just too much gun violence.

So, the priest put out this challenge to the gang members. “What if each of you were to declare the block you live on a zone free of gun violence for ten days?  Start by sharing the idea with the people on your street. Then invite them to a neighborhood block party.”  

The young men talked it over and said they’d do it. So, they went out and talked to the people on their street and the whole neighborhood showed up to enjoy a fun block party together.

The project was so successful the priest called the newspaper to do a story on it. A young street gang member spoke about how good it was. But a skeptical reporter raised his hand, “What you say is all fine and good but how do you know if what you did achieved the goal of ten days of no gun violence? Without hesitating the young man shot back his answer, “No funerals.”

The priest who talked to the gang members was the priest who spoke at all the masses at St. Victoria last weekend. At 93 years old Fr. Harry Bury is on fire with his faith and his passion to end violence on the streets. And he’s starting it right here with the Twin Cities.

And Jesus said to them “Come after me.” They left their nets and followed him.” The invitation is still there. Members of a street gang in North Minneapolis left the nets of whatever it was they needed to leave behind so they could answer the call. Are we ready to leave the nets of whatever it is that we need to leave behind so we can answer the call? The answer to that is up to you and me.