If you ever start a sentence with, “The Church needs to…” then this is for you! All are invited to join a small group at St. Victoria this Fall to discuss and provide input about the best ways for the local Catholic Church to form:

  • Parishes that are in the service of evangelization;
  • Missionary disciples who know Jesus’s love and respond to his call; and
  • Youth and young adults in and for a Church that is always young.

Didn’t we already provide feedback to Archbishop when he was here for the listening session?

Yes, your input during that session was invaluable in helping Archbishop Hebda choose these three focus areas for the Synod. Now comes the important task of identifying tangible ways that can live out these priorities in our own parish and across our Archdiocese.  

What will we do in these small groups? 

What are the focus areas we will input on?

Forming parishes that are in the service of evangelization. 
Welcoming parishes
Collaboration in parish ministry
Liturgy and the Sunday experience
Sharing the Gospel in word and deed

Forming missionary disciples who know Jesus’ love and respond to his call.
The heart of the Gospel 
Forming missionary disciples
Life-long discipleship
The universal call to holiness

Forming youth and young adults in and for a Church that is always young.
Parents as primary educators (birth – adult)
Helping the young encounter Jesus (birth – gr. 6)
Youth ministry (grades 6-12)
Young adult ministry (ages 18-35)

How do I participate in a parish small group?

St. Victoria is hosting three options for parish small groups, starting the week of September 20. These small groups will meet for 6 weeks. It is a great opportunity to grow in your faith while also providing input on these focus areas for our parish and the Archdiocese!

Mondays, 10am-12 pm            Monday, 6:30-8:30 pm           Saturdays, 9-11 am

Click here to sign up for a small group!